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Danielle Gallant is a Republican who is focused on bringing Nevada together. Together with her husband Paul they moved to Nevada from California nearly a decade ago to raise their family. 


To Danielle, Nevada is the place where anyone, from anywhere, can make a name for themself. Nevada is a place where you can build a business, support your family comfortably, and also give back to your community.

She is fighting to protect and preserve those same opportunities for future generations to come. Her goal is to ensure that the great state of Nevada continues to offer a better and easier life foe everyone.  She will continually advocate for policies that move Nevada forward. 

A Stronger Economy

Danielle left a state behind whose business climate had become unbearable in search of one that provided opportunity and found that opportunity  in Nevada.


She wants to see more businesses like hers relocate to Nevada and feels strongly that we need to diversify our economy. In order to do that, Nevada needs to focus more on recruitment by reducing the amount of regulation that exists and fostering a climate businesses want to be a part of.


Danielle will always advocate for small businesses like hers. She wants to empower owners and investors to make the best decisions on their own. She wants Nevada to be one of the most business friendly states in the country and one that new businesses want to relocate to.

Individual Rights
& Liberties

Danielle is a strong supporter of our Constitution believes in our individual rights, civil liberties, and religious freedoms. She will fight to preserve your First and Second Amendment rights, wants all citizens to have access to the same opportunities, and values Nevada's diversity.

Accountability &

Danielle understands that elected officials are entrusted with a great amount of influence over the lives of the residents of this great state.


That is why she is committed to exercising that influence with complete transparency and holding our government accountable to the taxpayers. She will oppose all unnecessary mandates on our businesses and our citizens.


Danielle wants state government to be more transparent in how they spend so that it will be accountable to the taxpayers.  She wants to see more specifics in the state budget and available online to those who have questions about how Nevada's money is truly spent. 

Property Rights

Danielle owns and operates a property management company and deals with landlords and tenants every single day. She is concerned by the precedent the statewide eviction mortarium set. 


Both owners and tenants have suffered through the pandemic but property owners rights were seemingly taken away when the state decided to become involved in private contracts between citizens.


Danielle is dedicated to fighting for the right of all citizens and pushing back on government involving itself in private matters.

Better Education

Danielle is a mother of two young boys and has experienced Nevada's struggling education system first-hand.


Nevada ranks near the bottom when it comes to education and Danielle thinks Nevada can do better. While Danielle made the difficult decision to enroll her children in private school to gain access to a better quality of education, not all parents have that same opportunity.


Danielle wants to advocate for polices that will empower other parents to make the best decisions for their children and is a strong proponent of expanding school choice programs for parents.


She wants our education system to get back to teaching our children the basics like reading, writing, and arithmetic so we can improve Nevada's education standing.

Reducing Spending

Danielle believes Nevada needs to address its spending issues prior to considering any additional taxation. She wants to hold government accountable, will work to cut red tape, and reduce wasteful government spending. Danielle is committed to solving our deficits rather than kicking the can down the road.

Secure Communities

Danielle believes that one of most important roles of government and our elected leaders is to keep our streets and our neighborhoods safe. That is why she is the only candidate in her race to have the endorsement of Nevada Law enforcement agencies. 


Through her work as a family therapist and now as a member of the Board of Directors of SAFE House, Danielle is committed to helping those in need and creating secure communities for our families.


Danielle wants to ensure those who protect and keep us safe are funded properly and will oppose any attempts to defund our police our weaken the laws they use to keep us safe.


Danielle wants everyone in Nevada to have both access to quality healthcare and for it to be affordable. She doesn't want to just talk about improving healthcare, she wants it to be a reality.


Nevada needs to do better than a one size fits all system. A first step is to fix our Medicare billing rate, which is currently one of the lowest in the nation.


This will help upgrade our state IT systems and allow our hospitals to bill appropriate rates for service instead of one price for all services.

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